A Critical Year for L&D: Trends, Talent, and AI in 2024

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From AI created content to completely new channels of learning delivery, 2024 is shaping up to be a defining year for L&D.

Creating new learning programs and evaluating efficacy will be nearly unrecognizable, with a renowned focus from the business on measurable results.

So how can L&D professionals embed rapidly evolving technology to take their strategy to the next level, and avoid disruption in the process?

Join David Landman, former Head of Global Talent Development at Goldman Sachs, and Ryan Laverty, Co-Founder and President at Arist, to discuss how L&D and HR leaders can lead the organization in leveraging disruptive technology.

We'll discuss:

  • Top L&D and HR Trends for 2024

  • How L&D Professionals should think about the shift in their role

  • Technological capabilities that exist today, and balancing disruption with risk mitigation

  • Tactical strategies for how L&D leaders can get buy in from the business and manage disruption.


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